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Jennifer L kirk photography! 

Allen Newborn photographer 

more about Me

I'm the wife to a Mississippi boy, mother to Samuel (5), Nicholas (2) and Riley (1) (Thats her above). I am a full time stay at home mom but I am also a big dreamer. Having my business as a newborn photographer not only allows me to use my passions but it also allows me to provide for my precious family. The Lord has made my dreams come true not only by giving me 3 gorgeous children but by providing this business. 
Most days you can find me in my pajama pants and oversized t-shirt, watching classics like Friends, Frasier, or Everybody Loves Raymond with chips and queso in hand. Quality time is my love language in any relationship, which is why I LOVE time with my kiddos and getting nachos with Jonathan and of course a mint chocolate chip shake (from Baskin Robbins) to top it off.
When I grow up I want to be a full time newborn photographer with a side gig of being an interior designer with an occasional trip oversees. My current obsession is DIY projects in our first home and sleep... when I can get it. 

Your Allen
newborn photographer.

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As a newborn photographer it's important to come up with a "why". Why do I do what I do? There are so many reasons... I need to support my family, I want to do something I am passionate about, and ultimately, I want to serve and love others the way Jesus did. So, I guess, my "why" is my family, myself and others. 

The Jennifer L Kirk experience is about more than just photography.


This is a special moment in your families life. Make it one to remember! 

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Your kids are growing up way to fast. Capture those precious moments in time.


Don't forget those first few precious moments of your littles. Little fingers, little toes...

North DFW
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North DFW Family Photography

 North DFW Motherhood photography

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